Monday, November 3, 2008

wadah dan perkembangan keladi

Menanam keladi sangatlah mudah, apalagi jika musim hujan seperti ini. Pada musim penghujan seperti saat ini, keladi tumbuh subur. Nah saat-saat seperti inilah waktu yang tepat untuk memperbanyak juga memperbesar Keladi.

Agar keladi tumbuh besar dan tinggi. ada banyak cara, selain vitamin salah satu yang pentng adalah wadah atau pot, tempat hidup si keladi.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

keladi di masa dorman/istirahat/mati suri

Kalo tanaman keladi kalian "mati" tak berdaun, daun layu,..jangan panik!!
kemungkinan besar keladi kalian terkena DORMAN ato mati suri..keladi juga butuh istirahat om..tante..

Nah, andai keladi kalian menunjukkan gejala seperti tadi, berikut tips dari saya *setidaknya ini yg saya lakukan*:

  1. mengistirahatkan,
    disimpan ditempat yang teduh, cenderung lembab. Sering disiram biar lembab. dan SABAR menanti kuncup2 keladi ya..uasli..harus sabar bisa makan waktu 3-5 bulan. Namun hasilnya biasanya bakal lebih bagus, cantik dan kokoh.

  2. memperbanyak bibit
    dengan cara mencacah *sebenere ini belum aku praktekin* terutama jika umbi keladinya besar. Teknik mencacah, nanti aku posting di bagian tersendiri ya.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

High quality modern furniture

If you are looking for furniture that is looking out for you, you should stick to the category of modern furniture.Especially in High quality modern furniture from Italy, Germany, Spain and Belgium.

The key of modern furniture is function over form. While this may not mean much to you as a saying, when it comes to certain your house conditions, the simplicity of modern furniture offers an ability to get around without too much trouble.

modern furniture from Italy, Germany, Spain and Belgium pieces were created to be just the right size to do their job, and not to have any excess material that you don't need. When you are negotiating a room in the dark, this means there really is more floor space to make your way around, and less of an opportunity to cause any damage to your body in collisions with any pieces of the furniture.

In the end, it's good to have a person for cost and design advice, safety in mind, and a strong will to get the best furniture for your house. and good news for you thismodern furniture from Italy, Germany, Spain and Belgium 100% authenticity guarantee.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

green house


green house is everybody dream. Especially at a period of global warming now. HOUSE as our place remain, place most our life there. Obliging we make a balmy house, healthy, and fresh.

green house non meaning entire all our house room is painted with green colour. However giving or we plant crop around our house. Can plant in room, indoor planters and also outside room,outdoor planters.

To house owning wide land;ground and yard, big possibility for having of crop in and outside surely very possible. But how to house which is small ground. Especially in big cities, which is land price very costly. the solution are window box planters, putting down as interior decoration (decorative planters), decorative in your guest solid angle desk , or also you can put down crop [in] your house roof, giving crop hang (high end planters).

So you will get your green house own.

if you are busy people, do not worry! there is a lot offer service of planters,in there you earn to see planters collection which they have, you can choose by colour, material, and also form. Collection which they have even also there many brand. Furthermore is you earn to pay a visit there or even contact directly of its customer.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Keladi Tricolor


Yang ini sebenere dah punya sejak luama, cuma karena Keladi yang tipe ini sangat banyak, jadi saya biasa aza. Tapi kok aq malah suka ya saat ini..karena koleksi tricolorku ini tumbuh mini dan gerombol buanyak.

Dan Sekarang aku punya 5 pot kecil tricolor..ada yang mau?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Keladi Kantong Semar

Koleksi keladiku bertambah satu lagi. Sebenere dulu sudah punya tapi karena ditinggal pulang kampung entah kenapa jadi matii..dan sialnya saat beli kok ra eneng umbinya...ahhhh.


Kali ini aku beli lagi..lebih besar daunnya, dan juga lebih murah. Wanti2 supaya ada umbinya..ya kok ternyata pas diganti pot dirumah..ya nda ada juga ik..walo sudah berakar banyak seh..ahh..jadi harus ekstra hati-hati, jangan sampai mati neh..Jadi aku harus minta ganti...ah sudahlah...males kesana lagi..*loh kok malah curhat*

oke..oke..keladi kantong semarku yang lama mati mungkin karena terlalu lembab..hmm media yang aku pake dulu adalah Kaliandra, ternyata aku kurang suka..keladi itu juga sepertine kurang suka. Jadi untuk keladi kantong semarku kali ini memakai media : cocopeat:sekam bakar:pasir malang:kaliandra dengan perbandingan 2:2:2:1

kaliandra tetep bakal dipake seh.. Hope this will be beatifull and long life..*halah opo iki*

Kalo ada yang berminta bisa hubungi aku, kalo ada yang mo sharing juga boleh di shoutbox, dikomen postingan ini, atau via ym : kian_simple.

have a nice day

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Keladi Baret


Satu lagi koleksiku, Keladi baret. Mudah untuk mengingatnya, hanya dengan melihat coraknya yang setengah penuh merah. Corak ini terbentuk sejak dia masih kuncup.

Koleksi keladiku yang ini memang kecil, kupikir jenis keladi mini ternyata kemaren pas ke Pameran tanaman di senayan ada yang besar diameter daunya sekitar 20 cm (hargane sekitar 100rb). Ya memang daun keladi ini bisa besar tergantung dari besarnya umbi, media/pot, dan jumlah batang.

Sekali lagi untuk media tanam, masih sama dengan keladi lain. Hanya untuk peletakkan tanaman, karena ini memiliki warna merah sebaiknya ditaruh diluar agar terkena sinar matahari. tapi jangan ditaruh terlalu lama dibawah sinar matahari langsung..takutnya malah kebakar.

untuk harga pasaran..hmm saya malah lupa dulu belinya berapa ya..(hmm oia..30rb cuma 2 daun itupun kuicil banget)beli di jl. pajajaran Bogor.

kalo ada yang mo barteran,, belum beranak dink..

Monday, March 3, 2008

modern furniture


Now i'll tell you about some MODERN FURNITURE, which you can use it for your house. Of course if this furniture related with another furniture, still same with the concept for your house.

There is many MODERN FURNITURE, especially BEDROOM FURNITURE. Compromised with size your room, and color of your room.

There is tips and triks for your furniture in MODERN FURNITURE, use it wisely of course.

Really with MODERN FURNITURE, your house gonna be cool, comfort, and you will be proud for your house.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Keladi Perak


Tanaman cantik ini dinamakan Keladi perak, ups maaf kalo ada yg ga setuju. hmm..jujur untuk penamaan keladi memang banyak berbeda jadi kalo ada yg protes atau masukkan..monggo protes dgn berkomen disini yak .

Untuk media tanam, bisa macam2 yang pasti diusahakan medianya dapat menyimpan air. Misal dengan media daun bambu , media kaliandra, dan lainnya.

Untuk perawatan, tidaklah terlalu sulit. Karena seperti keladi yang lain disiram 2 hari sekali itu pun dilihat masih becek atu tidak.yang pasti jangan terlalu becek atau basah maupun jangan terlalu kering. Ya..pakai hati/perasaan untuk merawat Keladi ini.

Untuk penempatan, sebaiknya ditempatkan pada tempat yang tidak terkena matahari langsung. Atau diletakkan di dalam ruangan , sepeti pada gambar.

Oya kalo ada yang mau beli tanaman ini, bisa japri saya di YM: kian_simple atau bisa huntng sendiri, kisaran harga 10rb-30 rb tergantung besar kecilnya, jumlah daunnya dan juga umbinya..(wuah..kok saya beritahu..berarti nda usah japri sajah lah)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Looking For Furniture

This day I am happy to clean my house, start from my yard, Caladium collection. And I realize that my house need to fill in with furniture.’s empty from my parent took her furniture and brought it to Klaten.

I life alone in this house, and because of that I thought that I don’t need a lot furniture. But, now…I dream to have that. I must prepare it with survey it. Go to furniture shops?...hmm it will be hard I think. And why don’t try to search in internet. You just can stay in your chair isn’t?

You can searching it internet. With lot words I think. Furniture and and that will be a lot site isn’t. Yesterday I am focus with this words Bedroom furniture (because it’s clear you must have it, and check it), Dining room furniture (for enjoy your food and take relax), Convertible furniture (hmm it can use for sofa, or bed too), bar furniture ( for your guest, and relax too).

And we can see this things in indonesia loh…but you can order it in that site.