Saturday, June 21, 2008

keladi di masa dorman/istirahat/mati suri

Kalo tanaman keladi kalian "mati" tak berdaun, daun layu,..jangan panik!!
kemungkinan besar keladi kalian terkena DORMAN ato mati suri..keladi juga butuh istirahat om..tante..

Nah, andai keladi kalian menunjukkan gejala seperti tadi, berikut tips dari saya *setidaknya ini yg saya lakukan*:

  1. mengistirahatkan,
    disimpan ditempat yang teduh, cenderung lembab. Sering disiram biar lembab. dan SABAR menanti kuncup2 keladi ya..uasli..harus sabar bisa makan waktu 3-5 bulan. Namun hasilnya biasanya bakal lebih bagus, cantik dan kokoh.

  2. memperbanyak bibit
    dengan cara mencacah *sebenere ini belum aku praktekin* terutama jika umbi keladinya besar. Teknik mencacah, nanti aku posting di bagian tersendiri ya.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

High quality modern furniture

If you are looking for furniture that is looking out for you, you should stick to the category of modern furniture.Especially in High quality modern furniture from Italy, Germany, Spain and Belgium.

The key of modern furniture is function over form. While this may not mean much to you as a saying, when it comes to certain your house conditions, the simplicity of modern furniture offers an ability to get around without too much trouble.

modern furniture from Italy, Germany, Spain and Belgium pieces were created to be just the right size to do their job, and not to have any excess material that you don't need. When you are negotiating a room in the dark, this means there really is more floor space to make your way around, and less of an opportunity to cause any damage to your body in collisions with any pieces of the furniture.

In the end, it's good to have a person for cost and design advice, safety in mind, and a strong will to get the best furniture for your house. and good news for you thismodern furniture from Italy, Germany, Spain and Belgium 100% authenticity guarantee.